• Bandology – More music for more kids

Musician Spotlights

Bandology’s Musician Spotlights aim to provide a platform for artists from underrepresented communities, celebrating their diverse contributions to music. Additionally, our spotlight pages aim to educate on the impact of various communities in shaping Canada’s musical landscape, and on their history in Canada.

Each spotlight page highlights the history and contributions of an underrepresented group in Canadian music. Bandology is pleased to celebrate and promote the contributions of groups and individuals whose contributions have long deserved recognition.

Below are the links to each musician spotlight page:

2SLGBTQIA+ Musicians 

Indigenous Musicians 

Black Musicians 

Women Conductors 

Additionally, Bandology is pleased to compile a list of over 50 inspiring composers from these communities and others, both in Canada and around the world, complete with a bio, photo and links to their personal website and/or a sample of their work. Bandology’s definitive collection of composer spotlights can be found in the link below:

Composer Spotlights


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