- Focuses on the acknowledgement of Indigenous lands in Canada. Builds community by encouraging celebration, sharing and learning of traditional music, dance, arts and heritage craft.
The AMY Project
- Creates a space for women and non-binary youth to engage in performing arts training and creation programs to tell their stories.
Arts Vivants
- Learning and engagement hub associated with Canada’s National Arts Centre that provides performances, events, resources and more for families, students and educators to use both virtual as well as in person.
- Bandology is a proud local non-profit dedicated to more music for more kids via education, collaboration and community. Bandology provides opportunities for kids to play, perform and be inspired, support music educators and advocate for the power of music education.
Dreams Come True Studio
- Their goal is to engage individuals of all ages and abilities to participate in high quality productions.
Guelph Youth Music Centre
- Fosters arts and community in the Guelph community by running many programs including kids chorus, summer camp, ukulele class, musical theatre, music for children with disabilities and so many more! Serves as a permanent home for Suzuki programming.
Hamilton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra
Heart of the City
- Program in Ottawa that focuses on breaking the barrier of costly music education by having volunteers teach piano lessons in schools for children.
The Institute for the Performing Arts
- Located in Concord, Ontario, The Institute for the Performing Arts creates a space for young people to train in theatre, dance and music at the highest level of excellence.
Kawartha Youth Orchestra
Kingston Youth Orchestra
Musicbox Children’s Charity
- Partners with organizations in twelve cities across the country, to make music education more accessible for children.
- Fills in the gaps of south-Asian curriculum by exploring music, dance, singing, art and so much more for both youth and seniors in the Mississauga area.
Niagara Youth Orchestra
- An organization that uses music to teach life skills such as teamwork, commitment, respect and pride in achievement. Reaching kids aged 5-18 in Ottawa, OrKIDStra offers free instruments, music lessons and ensemble playing.
Ottawa Youth Orchestra Academy
The Rap Camp
- Inclusive camp that fosters self expression and confidence from their campers through the art form and safe context of rap.
- Sounds of the Next Generation (SONG) provides free music education to children in Northumberland County in the form of a socially inclusive after-school music program.
Stratford Symphony Youth Orchestra
Sudbury Youth Orchestra
Suzuki Music
- Hosts group classes throughout the year that help to build a sense of community for children at this school by using the Suzuki Method.
Thunder Bay Youth Orchestra
Greater Toronto Area
Alpha Rhythm Roots
- Provides workshops, weekly lessons and more that focus on West African traditional music.
Awesome Music Project
- Delivers programming to youth using music and storytelling to initiate conversations about mental health and wellness.
Batuki Music Society
- Provides African-Canadian youth, ages 16-25 years old, with an opportunity to participate in a mentorship program to help them reach their full potential and dreams as artists.
Durham Youth Orchestra
Lula Music & Arts
- Lula Music and Arts Centre promotes a thriving Latin, Brazilian and global roots music community through concerts, workshops, festivals and outreach in the Toronto region and beyond.
Mississauga Symphony Youth Orchestra
Nagata Shachu
- Japanese Taiko drumming group that performs in concert settings and provides classes for interested individuals ages 16 and up.
Oakville Symphony Youth Orchestra
The Rosebud Orchestra
Sistema Toronto
- Serves children in underprivileged communities in Toronto by providing music education on string instruments.
Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra
Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra
Ukrainian Youth Ensemble
Xenia Concerts
- Strive to create programming for children and their families that face systemic and social barriers, by working alongside neurodiversity and disability communities.
Kitchener-Waterloo Area
Community Music School of Waterloo Region
- Private lessons, workshops and early childhood music programs for kids who cannot access them in the Waterloo region.
KW Youth Concert Band
Kitchener-Waterloo Youth Orchestra